All of this pales in comparison to the tens of thousands of children who have been filled with tremendous joy and hope around the world. His desire to lead people to Christ and to impact the lives of children especially those disadvantaged is monumental. His work has lead to orphans being loved, cared for, and finding homes, the poor being recognized and visited, and thousands of children getting a once in a life time wish to come true. In addition, around the globe a night for handicapped children and those with disabilities to have an evening they will never forget being made the center of attention through dinner and dancing-A Night to Shine!
What if his mom decided to take the advice of the doctor's over 30 years ago and terminate her pregnancy? What if she heeded the voices that said, "he is going to die and has no chance." What if that mother never gave her son, Tim Tebow, a chance at life?
Tim is just one example of life being lived to the fullest. His mother was "supposed to" abort the pregnancy due to great complications and a bleak diagnosis. Instead, Tim's mom chose life and in doing so her faithfulness and love gave her son the chance he deserved and look how he thrives!
Over 50 million children were robbed of the life God had gifted them over the past 45 or so years in the US alone. On average over that time span upwards of on million children have been killed. Why is our society not outraged by this atrocity? This is genocide and when we take a step back and think about it, how can it even be considered a "choice."
God blesses us with life. He pours breath into our lungs and pumps blood in our veins. Our heart beats and we go about our day never even thinking about the miracle of life that began at conception. Did you know that the baby inside a mother has all of the eggs it will need to become a mother? When you and I were born into this world we came in by the grace of God and did not have a choice, fortunately for us our parents decided to LIFE. How can one who has life say "I chose for another for them not to have their life." In John 10:10 it says, "I came so that they might have life and have it to the full." Jesus desires for all of us to have life as each person is "created in the image and likeness of God" and is a child of God.
Some pro choice people hold firm on the argument that it meaning the fetus is not a human until X amount of weeks. Or they will say, well it couldn't survive on it's own. These arguments are completely crazy and nonsense. First of all, what is "it" then? The child inside the mother is not a dog, an alien or another creature and never will turn into one of those things. The child is human and will always be. The second argument is bogus also. So you are telling me that a specific time then the child is able to survive on its own? What baby right after birth can survive on their own? Until about age 6 or 7 kids cannot survive on their own and are dependent on their parent or guardian. Not to mention a child is not more a child at age 6 than they are at age 7. They are still human and a child. People would be outraged if babies or children at 6,7,8, 9 or any age for that matter were being killed. Why is it okay to kill a child in the womb? And can you imagine that in NY State the laws are getting so loose and evil that a child can be aborted nearly throughout the entire pregnancy.
It is evident that 100% of people who have an abortion or assistant in abortions at clinics or medical facilities are already alive. No one is threatening to take their life and they are enjoying the life they have been blessed with. Then how dare they go about killing innocent lives.
When we look at scripture it is clear that God protects life and desires that people are given that life he has granted them. In Jeremiah 1:5 it states so beautifully, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." God knows us before we even entered the womb, he knows us in the womb, and he knows everything we will do with the life he calls us to! We were created for a reason to in relationship with one another and with him. Why would anyone desire to terminate that life? Furthermore, in the book of Job it explains how God is the giver and taker of life. Job went through so many difficulties including losing all his possessions, get greatly sick, losing his wife and family to death, yet he still realized God had a plan. No matter what our lot is in life, God can always turn it around like he did for Job and make beauty from ashes. We must not play God and decide someone else's fate, that is wrong! We wouldn't want someone to do that to us! "And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord hath given, and the Lord hath taken it: blessed be the Name of the ..." Job 1:21
Stand up for life! Be a light to the nations and know that in defending these little ones, God will greatly reward you. Be their voice. Be their hope. And be the change that the world needs. As the great Martin Luther King Jr. so emphatically proclaimed, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hatred cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." Love these children and give them the life they deserve so they might have a full life and see how each person can change the world for the better, but they have to have the opportunity to do so!
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