If I were to ask you when you were baptized, chances are most people wouldn't be able to tell me the date. Nor do we think about it annually or celebrated our entrance into the Church. At a recent baptism at our parish, the priest mentioned this to the eight families that were gathered to celebrated their child's baptism. I could not help but think of how important it was to be baptized and to give the gift of faith to children.
On the last day, during the final hour of Jesus' time on earth, after he rose from the dead and appeared to many our Lord spoke before ascending to Heaven. He could have said a myriad of things...Whatever he would say would have captivated his audience and been written down and shared for centuries to come. Jesus spoke and his words were both powerful and intentional as he issued in the great commission for discipleship as he said,"Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20)
The reason why baptism is held in such high esteem in the Church and that it is emphasized so greatly is because Jesus wants us to be clothed with Him. When a baby or person enters the Church through baptism they are truly a new creation and become a Child of God. The light of Christ that their God parent holds, which burns brightly, is a symbol of the light that God will infuse in their lives for all time. The water which John baptized Jesus with in the river Jordan over two thousand years ago cleanses us from the stain of sin and purifies us as we become the holiness of Christ. The chrism oil sets God's seal and that of the Holy Spirit on each member who the Church as each Child of God will be directed and guided through their. life The white stole and garment marks a new beginning and the purity of the Lord, as we are called to be saints.
Baptism is where this all begins and where our life changes drastically as Jesus welcomes us in and we receive the grace of salvation which is a free gift to all. With faith as the keystone and guide for our journey through life, a personal relationship with Christ, and being part of the Church-a community of believers, we are equipped to face the world and carry out our call to discipleship. We are disciples and are called to make disciples of all nations. By taking that first step of faith or having it initiated for us as children, we receive a gift that will keep on giving and never fade. For you Lord are the center of our lives and in you we have all we need. Jesus, allow us to fully understand what our discipleship means and who you are calling us to be. For your Kingdom is not of this world. May our reflection on our own baptism and the call you place on our lives ignite our faith in a new way so we produce good fruit and pass the torch of faith to generations to come.
So the next time you are at a baptism or digging through a memory box or drawer and stumble upon your baptismal candle, know that the day you became a new creation in Christ was where it all began and where your faith life was ignited. Celebrate your baptismal day and be the prayer warrior your family and the little ones in your family need to stay connected to Jesus as his children. Finally, as you make the sign of the cross at mass or in a church after dipping your fingers in the holy water, may it remind you and me of our baptismal call and discipleship. Let your light shine and may the flame of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ continue to burn brightly, never being extinguished and always guiding you until you reach the halls of heaven.