Appearance to Juan Diego
The year was 1531 in Mexico near today what is Mexico City. Juan Diego, a simple peasant Aztec had great faith in a culture and society that was sacrificing upwards of 9,000 people a day to the Sun, the Moon, and other gods. Juan Diego's heart was stirred up to seek Christ and his love for the Lord was profound. Juan Diego walked miles each day to attend mass secretively as he desired to received Christ in the Eucharist at a small chapel up atop a steep hillside. Juan Diego was walking on December 9th up toward Tepeyac Hill when Mary first appeared to Him as a young girl. He was startled and did not know what to make of this apparition as she spoke to him in his native Nahuatl language asking him to ask the Bishop to have a church built in that area. The next day Mary appeared again and asked him to speak to the Bishop. Still not knowing how to explain what he experienced, Juan went his way. By December 11th Juan Diego's uncle was very sick and he had to tend to care for him. On December 12th trying to take another way as to avoid Mary if she were to appear again, Mary sought him out and the Blessed Mother provided Spanish roses at a time when no roses at all could possibly grow in that elevation during the winter in Mexico. Our Lady told Juan Diego to take those roses back to the Bishop. He put them in his tilma (cloak) made out of a rough sack like material. After walking several miles when he revealed the roses as a sign from Mary inside his tilma was the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This miracle not only convinced the Bishop but lead to the Aztecs conversion in Mexico. Upwards of 8,000-9,000 Aztecs were being baptized each day as were others throughout the country converting to Christianity because of the grace of the Virgin Mother. In Spanish the saying goes, "No sabes que soy tu madre? Do you not know that I am your mother?" Not only is she our Mother, she is the Mother of all children and unites us to Christ. Her love and Mercy, her grace and desire to connect us with the heart of Jesus is her deepest longing. Oh Blessed Mother show us the way to our Lord and keep us protected in the mantle of your grace. Give us your heart and keep us in yours so that we might receive the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The Symbols on the Tilma
There is great symbolism and meaning behind each of the intricate designs and details on the Tilma of Juan Diego which has the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mary appears on it to be about 15 years old and is pregnant with the savior in her womb. The black ribbon that is tied among her waist indicates her pregnancy. Take notice of her solemn face and how she is holding her hands in prayer, as she reflected upon all things in her heart. There is a bright Sun around her head signifying the glow of the Aztec Sun and radiance of heaven on high. Below the Blessed Mother's feet is the moon, an important symbol for the Aztec empire and Mexicans as the moon held great power in their culture. Near her feet is an angel the guardian of Heaven and Earth. The garb that Mary has on is a teal color which was symbolic of Aztec royalty, fitting as she is the Queen of the Church. The star patter on that robe was studied by astronomers and is the exact star pattern that was in the skye above Mexico City and Tepeyac Hill the night of December 12th, 1531 when she appeared to Juan Diego and gave him the sign. The roses that are imprinted on her robe are Spanish roses, the same which Our Lady gave to Juan Diego to bring to the Bishop. Certainly through God's divine power Mary coming onto the scene in a profound way transformed the Mexican culture and converted millions. Her abundant grace bestowed upon Juan Diego a peasant reinforces that she is the Mother of all who call on her name.
May our Lady of Guadalupe enlighten you heart. May her miraculous power and abundant grace fill you with the Holy Spirit, her spouse, that she might consecrate you to her Son Jesus. May we be united with the Heart of Our Mother and may through her intercession may she keep us in her most pure Heart that we are connected to the sacred Heart of Jesus.